World Robot Olympiad brings together young people from all over the world to develop their creativity, design & problem solving skills through challenging & educational robot competitions and activities. The competition was officially recognized in 2004 as an annual event organized by local competition agents and then moved to the global level. Each year, the competition will take on a key theme inspired by the country that will sponsor the final event. Participants will design and program robots that will support That idea. The theme of the competition is determined each year by the Olympic Committee and then all the teams are notified in advance, giving them the opportunity to test the effectiveness of their solutions and try them before the local competition. The participants present their ideas in the form of projects and using LEGO pieces only to complete the desired task within a specified period of time with clear evaluation frameworks on the day of the competition announced by the local organizer. 5 COMPETITIONS CATEGORIES FROM 6 TO 25 YEARS OLD At WRO we offer challenging competitions for everyone in the age from 6 – 25. We have Five competition categories, with their own characteristics and challenges:
WeDo Challenge.
Regular Category.
Open Category.
Each season the challenges and theme for the Regular and Open Category are developed with the country that hosts the International Final.